
Brother and distant relative are just sitting back and collecting, they have kept father isolated from me. Just found out he had passed 6 mos. ago. they have taken everything and spread it around. But most have a paper trail. Cousin tricked a bank loan for her to buy house.with his assets, brother living in other property, he was evicted from, Thousands of dollars in CDs missing, and, when I reported these things they took no action, They made reports, but couldnt proove them. Yet the things we told them turned out to be true, So why hasnt anyone done anything? They are predators and should be stopped before another person loses their hard earned money to these lifetime thieves. Her record of stealing and not paying debts is recorded. she has been lying to get taxes reduced and has bought cars, homes and things she otherwise couldnt get. We have the will. there is a reason my brother was disowned. My father had found out about his deceit and lies, and watched him steal. He was pretty much done with him. I think they both shouldbe prosecuted, and stripped from anything. and the authorities that help them do the uneasy transactions should also be reported. They are getting away with ever illegal move they can. and reducing his asset quickly. They are busy spending his money and covering their butts. We want them procesed and charged with these crimes. Assets are going fast. And the Authorities should be held accountable for not investigating our claims. apparently the brother and cousin have conned previously when when his mother died so quickly. What is wrong with people, ? Crimes have been committed. Are they that greedy, bribes take over human lives?

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"I found out he passed away six months ago." Sounds like you were not involved with your father's care at all. Now you want some of his money. Amazing. Just freaking amazing.
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Many unkind c answers here are unnecessary. If there was acWill, was it probated when he passed? Who was executor? You as daughter were presumably named in Will and would have been notified. A lot has happened it seems, but one avenue would be filing complaint with state Bar association against the lawyers who facilitated the transactions, if they were quasi legal, & file consumer complaints against the banks, also informing the state attorney general. However, you must have facts and data to do this correctly. I agree with a consultation with either a good Forensic Accountant or e k der lawyer. If they say you have c a case then pursue or else let it go. Good luck.
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I'm going to be very blunt on this question. I've read the OP's post twice and find inconsistencies, things that don't make any sense and require more explanation, accusations against unnamed authorities, and very obviously anger.

If I was a law enforcement officer and these allegations were presented to me in the fashion they are in the OP's post, I would be inclined to think that this was a situation in which the OP wasn't involved in care (how could he/she be if she wasn't close enough to her father to know he died 6 months ago?).

Yet she states that the brother and someone else have "taken everything and spread it around." How is it that she knows so much about the alleged fraudulent activities but not about her own father's decline and death?

There are too many inconsistencies and allegations raised in this tale to make it believable.
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Sounds like the writer of this is a 3rd party. She goes from "Brother and distant relative" to "apparently the brother and cousin have conned previously when when his mother died so quickly." If "his mother died so quickly" isn't that the writer's mother too? Confusing and suspicious.
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It sounds like you were not at all involved with your father's care, so what are you complaining about. You should be thankful someone took care of your father rather than impounding him in a nursing home. If your father was in such a situation that required 24-hour a day supervision, the cost of care would have drained out your dad's resources in no time. Sitters (with NO hands on care) is about $20 an hour. Hiring a CNA is about $30 (or more) an hour. If there is any kind of medication administration, you have to hire a LPN which goes even higher. Assuming you all put him in a nursing home, the US Government would have CONFISCATED all monies. It would have been all gone. It is amazing how family can get all upset when "the money is gone" they conveniently forget the enormous cost of care.
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Unless you have money to hire a lawyer and sue them, there's not much else that can be done. The authorities most likely will treat this as a domestic matter that will need to be challenged in civil, rather then criminal, court. If you can gather overwhelming proof that laws were broken, then you might be able to get someone interested, but I don't know that I'd count on it.

You might want to check with an elder attorney, pay them to listen to all you have and see if it would be worth your while to pursue this...
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Nothing has been done because the owner of the money (your father) is deceased and cannot testify. Let all of this go...or you will end up ill. It is not worth it. Your siblings will get their just reward in heaven or hell.
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Well, they might be dishonest but you were not around, so it kind of evens out.
Yes, there are some who take advantage but at the end of life, some parents give in to life and know that they can't control everything. A will is a piece of paper and you can't control human nature. There is always a way for dishonest people to steal from an estate and they will. I know that it's hard to do, but you might have to give this one up and reflect on what you did wrong in this situation so that the next time a loved one is ill you will stay closer to home ---for the spiritual rewards as much as for any other rewards.
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Some of you sure pass judgement. She said she reported this and nothing was done. In our case we have wanted to help with care and wanted Dad to move into our disabled access condo with us. He chose instead to buy a house sight unseen(by him) via his oldest spoiled daughter and then when she began stealing and scamming him and we reported to APS. She manipulated him further and totally cut him out of our lives. I care nothing about the money. I believe in the end evil people get their just reward. It is just sad to me that there is nothing in place to protect the elder person from the abuse of this type. Emotional abuse is very hard to prove when you have no access to gaining the whole truth, and everything you report can be misconstrued and manipulated by the abuser.
I have been in healthcare my whole life and I know being a caregiver is not easy
but do not judge all family members who want to be there for their elder person and by family circumstances and dynamics have had that choice taken from them!!!
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Dear Tina62, I'm sorry you find yourself in such a frustrating position. I'm not going to presume any guilt on your part as to why you were isolated from your father to the extent that you were not even aware of his death until 6 months later. We are looking through a glass darkly so we don't know all of the intricacies of your family's situation. You can't tell us everything because time won't permit it. I think the best advice is for you to seek legal counsel especially if your relatives are spending money that should have been shared by you and/or other family members. I'm assuming your dad did not have a will. It's too bad your dad was subject to such financially reckless family members in the first place--especially when he knew their capabilities. Why on earth was he left at their mercy? Nevertheless, if you truly believe that criminal acts have been committed, and that your father was defrauded, I'd call the local police. You're going to have some solid facts and evidence of your allegations. The police still may not do much. However, if insurance is involved or large assets mishandled then having a police report on file will help with that process. If your father's estate was small then it may not be worth it to pursue things. If his estate was significant, and it kind of sounds like it was/is, it might be worth it to pursue things. You will no doubt have to finance the legal counsel, but in the end it should be worth your involvement to put some fire behind your crooked relative's butt. Be courageous and fight for your dad if you truly believe other family members exploited him and have engaged in illegal actions. Good luck!
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