
Please help.. mom wont eat. she is getting over a cold and always has had a nervous tummy along with food issues i think. she is no 100 pds, my dad is so frustrated as we dont know what to do. wont go to the doctor either?? she just sits on the couch all day and watches tv.. my grandmother was nervous all the time too. she is 79.please help

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What is your mother's impairment -- why are you taking care of her? (COPD, CHF, Dementia, etc.)

How long has this not eating been going on? Have you talked to her doctor? Help us see the whole picture and perhaps someone will have specific advice or experience to share.
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no my parents live in their own home. but my mom has has eating issues for years. I think it comes from childhood i believe. she wont go to the doctor she is very stubborn. and my dad gets so frustrated and im not sure what to do. she is getting over a cold now but she is only 100 pds.She has a bit of anxiety also which she is taking xanax for. its just ok for weeks then all of a sudden the stomach hurts for weeks and she eats hardly nothing. She has had every test on her tummy and they find nothing .We believe its nerves perhaps.. thanks for listening..
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You should want to force him for exercise like normal walk and said ti him eat fresh fruits and vegetables because there are many vitamins in a fruit and vegetable.
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She may just be too weak or shaky for the effort of putting together a plate. My mother almost stopped eating several months ago and dropped to about 100 pounds. She said she wasn't hungry, or that it was just too much trouble. But if I prepared a meal, put it in front of her, and sat with her while she ate, she ate like a horse---the same if I took her out to a restaurant. My mother became so weak that she fell again and again. Following a serious fall, she went to rehab and then to assisted living. In a little over two months, she has gained 11 pounds, just from having meals served three times a day! She's stronger, more alert, more involved in life. This may be up to your father --- is he in shape to prepare and serve meals? You can make it easier for him with a freezer full of previously prepared meal-sized portions. How about Meals on Wheels? If you can afford it, there are companies from which you can order a month's supply of frozen meals at a time. At least with my mother, it was a matter of making meals really, really easy for her.
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