
The police don't seem to be able to help. He is bring undesirable people (drug users and homeless) in to the area- Please advise- WE are all very scared.

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Is this community supervised in any way...a condo board or community board? What do you mean by "bringing around" ? Are these folks trespassing on private property when not accompanied by a resident in violation of community rules?

For the police to take action, you must have a very specific thing to report to them that is a violation of your rights.

In your position, I would contact my local councilperson, town elector or whatever your municipality calls the local elected official. Call that person's office and find out who deals with elder affairs.
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Why are you scared? Have they threatened you? How do you know they are drug users and homeless? If you live in a senior community it seems that the management should be able to do something about it. Police will not assist unless they have committed a crime. Threatening you may be taken into consideration by the police.
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Dusty, you mentioned "we", have all those people also contacted the Condo board and the police? Since the police aren't doing anything says to me that they have checked it out and nothing was found.

Have you seen these homeless people and drug users, and you know for sure it is your neighbor bringing these people to your senior housing.... or is this hearsay from another neighbor?
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Unless there are laws being broken, cops really can't do anything. If they ARE breaking the law, just keep calling. If you live in an area with a homeowners association, there's a set of rules that must be followed. If they're breaking any, call the association. Beyond that, try honey with the guy and see if he can control his visitors. Beyond THAT? Your only option may be to move.
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Focusing on the neighbor, what's the story with him? Is he stable, emotionally unstable, having difficulties with judgment? If these people are congregating around him, or if he's bringing them, there's a reason. Is he part of a drug ring or selling drugs?

These days so many people have phones with camera capacity (and maybe video - not that familiar with the more expensive phones) so it seems that someone could be taking photos and videos of the undesirables to provide to the police - they'll need some grounds to act on the suspicious activity.

I'm wondering also how it's been determined that these people are drug users and homeless. Someone must be interacting with either their contact or them to make this determination.

And what about the community board or management? Are they doing anything? Seems like they'd be involved in getting injunctive orders to keep out any drug users.
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Can you set up a neighborhood watch? Some local PDs will help with this. If they are up to no good, it will make these people unwelcome, and make them feel they are under surveillance to the point where they figure it will be more convenient to do drug deals elsewhere. There is strength in numbers.
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Good idea for a neighborhood watch. Not to be paranoid, but these are older folks and probably are more physically vulnerable, so it wouldn't hurt to disguise themselves by wearing masks so that thugs can't know who's watching them.

Or they could take photos and videos discreetly from their own homes, especially if any have tele-photo lenses.
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