
How do I get sleep and get her to bed? She will look out the window and say come hear there's people taking down my garage or they're on my porch. What should I do? I try to tell her it's going to be ok and now she wants to sit there and call the cops every time and gets angry when I try to say no let's not tonight,  and she will wake me up 3 to 4 times a night.

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I see on your profile that GG has Alzheimer's. You should have her checked for a UTI first. Then check with her doctor about these issues. Some of the things I do with my mom, who has Alzheimer's, is to get her up in the morning at a reasonable time. Be sure to give her some sun shine... That is important. Keep her busy during the day. Her doctor was also able to add in a medicine to help her sleep.

I also suggest that if you are going to be your GG caregiver, that you watch videos and read information from Teepa Snow and Naomi Feil. Much luck
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Thank u I get so upset sometimes because I dont know what to say to her or what not to say
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Spainter, you are not alone. We all get to that point. My mom did nothing but hallucinate for the last year of her life and they were doozies. I am a little concerned though—you said she calls the police? They have to come out but maybe you could say you talked to them and they are watching the house.

Any time you need to vent, please come back.
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By the way, Spainter, you are amazing for taking on this responsibility. Keep us updated on how you are doing.
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Report this to her doctor. He/she should adjust the meds. If this doesn't help, you may need help at night so that you can sleep.
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Also Spainter21, DO NOT forgo your own career or advanced education while taking care of GG. If you choose this route, you should be compensated by GG or the family.
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Thanks guys I slept some last night we will see what tonight brings.
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I'm done with hs so it's ok
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Perfect idea it's hard a lot of the time because she will that dosent make sense but there real
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Hi, sorry I don't have an answer but I just wanted you to know your not alone. I'm also a granddaughter taking care of her grandmother. My grandmother is up all night fussing, yelling, calling out for me, saying she wants the police to come and if she could remember how to call 911 she would lol. I'm completely burned out and have 3 boys to get ready for school in the mornings and a 1 year old who gets up at 6 everyday so sleep is very few and far between for me. All I can do is tell you, you aren't alone. I'm looking for answers as well. Good luck to you and G.G and hopefully we both get some rest!
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Sounds as if grandma needs something to make her sleep, melatonin or something; maybe a trip to the doctor for something to calm her? If not, you may crash and burn, you know....
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get a fish tank with fish. They are very soothing to watch and maybe she would be occupied watching them and hearing the soothing water and might sleep? Just a thought. I do hope you hang in there and it gets figured out.
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Granted I don’t have that problem yet... but the lack of sleep can be an issue at times here ~ at the suggestion of the OT - change out the bed linens on her (hospital) bed - ended up getting a decent deal on twin XL bed linens from Walmart. If it helps, I purchased extra soft/breathable sheets. She also had me put two body pillows (I own several) below the sheets - to help ‘even’ out the mattress. Holey cow, what a difference... grandmom only gets up once for the bathroom if that. I’ve definitely noticed a change, seems to be sleeping way better than before too (minus the lingering cough, things would be perfect at night). Anyways, maybe try changing the bed linens/pillows combinations? Could help...especially if she’s got back issues and such.
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Been there, done that. Grandma sleeps all day and stays up all night. She's a talker as in she's constantly talking. She has a deep rumbling voice that goes right through walls. When I ask her to be quiet, she responds "I'm not talking to you." and keeps on talking.

What helps? Earplugs.
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