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windy - I am with you -buying a few donuts and freezing them does less damage to me than a pan full of brownies. Sorry to hear about your kid. That is a high temp. Hope he gets better fast.

There are a number of GF thickeners - cornstarch or other similar things - e.g potato flour. Check the internet. When I make broccoli, or cauliflower or celery soup I often don't use a thickener. Yes, pureed veggies work fine and are healthy. It s not the same as a regular chowder, but for me, satisfies that need for a "creamy" textured soup. I just boil the veggies with onion, garlic, and mushrooms etc, if wanted, throw the cooked veg and liquid in the blender and puree, then season, You can experiment with veg combinations like broccoli and spinach, or celery and asparagus ends, cauliflower and green beans. It comes out pretty "creamy". You could add a non dairy milk like rice, almond or soy or even coconut to increase the creaminess. I don't find it needs thickening if you don't add too much water when you boil the veg - and let it boil down some. It is not watery. Just experiment! :)

hehe Pam, yes I meant beef. I clicked "submit" it it flashed before my eyes, darn, too late" !! I do like my veggies but not so sure if I'd like them on a keiser roll !!

I killed a bat once... I was maybe 8, smacked it with my fishing pole cus it was buzzing my head. Should have cooked it, probably tasted like chicken :)

Tomorrow...venison shoulder roast ( my first buck) then leftovers for as long as I can stretch them!!

edna has gotten too cheap to grocery shop so shes living off of whatever i bring her, and the manna mission box dinner. ive been taking her bisq / gravy from hardees every morning and a bowl of rice to snack on during the day. if shes going to rely on me to keep her in meals i may as well get creative with it. her favorite is a donut. she plans to go to the va with me tomorrow if she can get ready in time. she dont like milk or cheese either. itll be like cooking for an anorexic 4 yr old.

I've mentioned making bread with a sandwich filling baked in before. Yesterday I made 6 of them, or rather made them Saturday and reheated them Sunday. I periodically have a party I call Sunday Dinner at Gramma's. There were 18 of us yesterday.

The loafs were:
1) Deli roast beef with coarse dijon mustard, an artichoke-jalapeno spread piled high, covered with cheddar cheese. I think this was the most popular.
2) Corned beef with Grey Poupon, sauerkraut, thousand-island dressing, and swiss cheese
3) Italian sausage cooked with onion, green pepper, and fennel, with marinara sauce and mozzarella
4) Deli turkey, black current mustard, 7-grain salad mixture, and cranberry-cheddar cheese
5) Rotisserie chicken, basil mustard, pesto, Mexican cheese, Swiss cheese (this had a lot of fans, too.)
6) Sliced tomato, a French mustard, three kinds of cheese, 7-grain salad

We had fruit kabob, with strawberries, pineapple, kiwi, bananas, and a few dried apricots and dates.

For dessert there were bars (I made double for Easter and froze half for this event):

Brownies with cookie dough
Lime bars
Lemon bars
Orange bars
7-layer "magic" bars
Tropical fruit bars
Macadamia honey bars
Ginger bars with orange frosting
Peanut bars
Rice krispie bars in a horseshoe pan for a 13th birthday (great grandson)
Confetti cake in the shape of the number one, for 1st anniversary (grandson)

That was a lot of food for 18 people, but most of the grandkids are at the age/situation where free food is welcome and they carted off most of the leftovers.


" I don't find it needs thickening if you don't add too much water when you boil the veg - and let it boil down some. It is not watery. Just experiment! :) "
briny swill, lol.
im having donuts and bacon sandwiches -- theres a connection. had to fry bacon to get enough fat to fry the donuts last night.. givin the old bile ducts a shakedown cruise..
went to va this am but my appointment wasnt until tomorrow. the screwup is everybodys fault but mine..
blameshifting -- the gold standard since adam and that " i didnt do it " chick -- eve ..

I'll stand my "briny swill" up against your fried chicken pumps" any day cap! lol
never fried a donut in bacon fat - don't think I will try it either Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow.

Gary had a bacon maple syrup sundae once at Denny's who were on a bacon kick. Apparently it was good. Love maple syrup.

Supper tonight was beef patties, cauliflower and green and yellow beans. I fed the dog part of the beef. He approved.

The requirements for tonight's dinner were 1) use up something left from the party (rotisserie chicken), 2) be quick to make (I spent the afternoon at the NH), and 3) taste good. I made chicken in a cilantro sauce over linguini, served with hot crusty baguette. It was good.

Bacon on ice cream with maple syrup sounds surprisingly good, especially compared to some of the weird combinations with bacon.

Good luck on your appointment tomorrow cap!

Tonight's dinner requirements were about the same as last night's. I did a quick stir-fry with chicken, celery, green onions, dried fruit soaked in chicken broth, and a box of Stove Top stuffing. Recipe from a 1989 magazine. It was very good! Also a "super foods" salad, from Costco. They really have some nice items.

Mother was in a lot of pain today. :(

How did your appointment go, cap?

Nasty rainy and cold here. I made beef-tips and carrots in brown gravy over noodles. It's one of Moms favorite winter dishes. I hope to not make it again until November. I also made Molten lava cakes with french vanilla cake......not as good as the chocolate ones, but still yummy.

Turkey and Gravy and Mashed potatoes. Thanksgiving in April. Why not?

turkey necks and sauerkraut with cinnamon apples - a staple around here

Jeanne - sorry about your mother. I hope they can help her with the pain.

Emjo, that sounds like a dinner my mother would like. Me, not so much on the turkey necks. I don't mind the taste but it is so hard to get the meat off them.

Thanks for you well wishes. They are working hard to control the pain. Mom cannot tolerate most narcotics they've tried over the years, and that makes pain-control especially challenging.

if you brown them well first then bake them in the sauerkraut till they fall apart, the meat is easy to get off - At least, I think it is. It falls off the bone

Arthritic pain can be pretty bad. I hoe they find something that works for your mum.

My experience with turkey necks is boiling them up with onions and celery etc to use in turkey stuffing. Yes, the meat does fall off the bones, but then I have to be sure I get all those darn little bones out of the broth! It makes for tasty stuffing, though.

I haven't seen turkey necks for sale (other than with a turkey) for years. Are they common in regular grocery stores where you are?

In addition to the arthritic pain (not helped by this rain-drenched week), Mom broke her hip on Easter. That is painful. And being bedbound presents its own opportunities for pain.

Only one store stocks them that I have seen - Sobey's - which is Canadian. When making soup, I pour it all through a sieve and then pick out the bones. Tedious, I know.

Prayers for your mum. A broken hip on top of the arthritis. I remember you posting about it. It was decided to go with no surgery, if I recall it right. Hope she is starting to heal. Poor lady!!! It must distress you to see her like this as well as being very hard on her.

I had sofosbuvir , simeprevir , and ribavirin for supper. ambien for dessert. soon after falling asleep ill prob'ly go steal a cow to eat.

my aunt throws a few red hots candy in her fried apples. dolls em right up..
well she did until we disabled her cook range. im gonna tell her gwb done it then prop her up to email him.
im still sending king ramsces hate mail to this day over that snookering I took on those hideous looking pyramids. he had himself entombed with cigars that were promised to me. I hammed his wives but would sure like to have had one of those cigars directly afterward.

Tonight's dinner was suppose to be tuna sandwich - which the tuna was already made. I came home tired and hungry. Sandwich and/or hot dog was out. So, I grabbed the microwavable - heavy version (not noodles) but with meat in it. Instructions said micro for 10 minutes in half power. 10 minutes?! So, I micro in high for 5 minutes. Took out the veggies/potatoes. Then micro high another 1 minute. sigh... I have no patience with cooking.

Last week, I went to the store to buy ingredients needed for chicken soup. I hesitated on the cabbage and potatoes. I told sis that I stood there staring at it because I don't know how long it will take to cook the cabbage/potatoes. I stood there wondering which would be faster to cook the potatoes. Micro or over the stove. In the end, I just took both. I will try to cook soup this weekend.

FYI, fave sis was shocked when I said that I was planning to make breakfast from a youtube video...on cooking bread on a pan with a hole in the middle which you crack an egg and put it in the hole, then flip it over, add on top cheese until it melts. Sis said, "You?! Cook?!!!!" {{[chuckling}}} Out of 8 kids, I'm the only one who doesn't cook at all. Anyway, I've perfected my fried rice and eggs. I'm bored with it. So, I've been looking at YouTube for other 'easy' breakfast menus. I'm going to definitely have to throw in some kind of meat with that egg in a bread hole.

By the way, we ate at a restaurant that served tofu. I was so surprised that it had taste. So, I found a very simple recipe on how to cook tofu. I just need to figure out Which kind of tofu (it said firm) and how to incorporate it into my meal.

I don't have a real stove with an oven. So, one time, long time ago, I made a cake by steaming it. Because I was steaming it, I don't recall if I used eggs. I know that I skipped the oil and replaced it with ... orange soda. =) I'm thinking of doing it again. I tried googling on baking a cake by microwave. Nope. Can only bake a cake in a coffee mug. So, I will need to see if it's feasible to steam a cake using one of our extra rice cookers that have steam capability. I'd love to make carrot cake and throw in some walnuts in it.

apple cake with walnuts beats the heck outta carrot cake imo. some instant potato flakes makes any cake more moist. a dollop of miracle whip never hurt a cake either. icing is so easy to make you can do it with a bowl and spoon. conf sugar , vanilla , milk. the trick is to apply the liquid a scant few drops at a time. if you ever get it wet it doesn't come back out of it .. then you play with cocoa, cream cheese , burnt butter additions..

Salmon cakes, green beans & potato salad

Booklvr - the egg dish you're talking about is what my parents called "Egyptian Egg Toast". Don't ask me why - I have no idea how it became Egyptian! We never put cheese on ours, though. Hmm...that sounds good for breakfast today! I guess I'd better shower first though...just had a new client come on board last night with my business, and I'm going to be swamped today.

Great idea! I am planning on making Spaghetti with Garlic bread and Salad. Everyone's dinner plans is making me hungry! :)

Yesterday was my birthday so we had take out Chinese and a mini Bushwacker cheesecake.

i was going to get turkey necks today to cook with beans. the s**ts were 4 bucks a pound. i bought chicken livers instead. i need iron , not windpipe and bones..
looks like another ambien night. they only put you out for 5 hrs but its a deep cycle sleep that really freshens you up..
i see pink at the base of my nails. freaking anemia with 7 weeks of treatment to go.. hemoglobin low, fading , fading , fading. no wait, thats the ambien knocking my dumb a** out..

Fish tacos -- awesome! I wanted to use some tilapia filets I had in the freezer, and also wanted a dinner that could at least partly be made ahead and put together quickly at dinner time. I tried a recipe from a website: allrecipes , called Grilled Fish Tacos with Chipotle-Lime Dressing. We had it yesterday and today. The fish reheated just fine in a frying pan and it was as tasty the second day.

Fed dad earlier so I could enjoy dinner with my husband. Just a salad with leftover grilled chicken.

Bar-be-que beef sandwiches, peas, and noodles.

i aint gonna eat. lilly told me i have , big mistake girlie . aint using sun screen either. stone dust works better.
ill eat some choc baking chips and watch shirley manson perform in that infernal black a - shirt..

Fave sis told her daughters that I'm cooking. Both girls couldn't believe it. Hello?! Just last week, I texted fave niece and fave sis on how to cook the hot sausages. Oldest sis (living with us) said to microwave it. I don't think so. So, I asked sis and her daughter. After given options, I chose the frying pan. This way I can burn it the way I like it.

Fave niece is working tomorrow, Mother's Day. So, she dropped by with dinner - Panda Chinese take out. Love the fried rice, the dry noodles (not oily), favorite beef broccoli and hot spicy chicken. Yum!

And, she brought me a Mother's Day gift. Guess what it is? A Presto Electric griddle with a 10.5 x 20 inch cooking surface. She says that now I can cook my sausage and the eggs at the same time. She told me how to clean it, and Do Not plug it in until it's completely dried, etc... Hmmm... I'm not that good yet where I can cook several things at the same time.

cooking is a challenging hobby , book . i usedta cook meat in a skillet , slip it onto the counter , then use the same skillet for the vegs , pasta , whatever , then reassemble. this way you dont soil every dish in the kitchen for one little meal . later i got into cooking the exact amount of food so there were no leftovers. you have to consider how hungry everyone is and how well the meal will go over.
my leftovers get slipped right into the new dish anyway so it wasnt a matter of waste , only the challenge..
i like one dish meals too , like bread rolls with the meat , cheese and vegs inside. chili dogs with beef , cheese , onion , smashed red beans in the sauce -- pretty complete meal ..
usually i keep my frying skillet in the fridge, beats washing it daily.. ditto bread sheets..
cooking should be fun , not hard work..

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