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That was a real friend!

got in a good ( hard ) workday today. stopped and helped edna eat up some of her surplus of ( meals on wheels ) . no need to waste the stuff even if it is culinarily challenged. one meal contained chicken gizzards and pumps. a real special treat for me. lol

pumps?? Do I wanna know?

chicken hearts. he

ewww .. I'll cook and cut them up to make stuffing and gravy, but not as a stand alone dish. Too strong a flavor for me. Glad someone likes 'em. Better than wasting 'em.

hello diners! Just came across the captain's layered pork chop dinner discussion. I don't eat pork very often, but that does sound good. I may need a few more directions though.

One pork recipe I do like is Pork and Barley. Stuff the pork chops or loin with sauteed barley, peppers, onions, and celery (sometimes mushrooms too). Bake. Yum.

Tonight, despite the beef comments, I'm having a hamburger. My cooking energy went to breakfast because my son is home from college: French toast, my recipe, and topped with ground nuts, berries, nutmeg, and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. He loves it.

light veg stuffing, lots of apple, can of corn. stuffing = sauteed vegs, bread crumbs, egg. season to taste. bake that sucker till it smells up the whole neighborhood, at that point its done.. sage and red pepper are good in stuffing..

celery really makes stuffing happen, fyi..

Thanks captain. My mouth is watering already.

Tomorrow is a work day at home...much to do!!! A lazy dinner, not for the heart, cholesterol mined, but we haven't had this is a very long time so one night won't hurt.....eggs, bacon, toast, potato pancakes, saute mushrooms with bell peppers and onions.

Sharyn, that's my kind of food - light .. but I'd eat it with rice... I just spoke to baby bro long distance. He's arriving tomorrow and he's panicking because I did not assign him seats - which I did. He just don't know how to read his itinerary. Anyway, I gave him the heads up that I don't cook. Nor do we have food. So, he better be prepared to have $$ to buy food. Then him and oldest sis can figure out between them - who is going to cook it. =)

I had a steak but did not feel like barbecue so I cut it in chunks and made beef stew for everyone and sister brought home some sour dough bread....Yum!

Book~Rice sounds yummy too!! We are throwing out healthy eating for one night, LOL!! I hope you enjoy your time with your baby bro...I bet you are excited to see him.

HolyCow, beef stew! With rice! Yummmmm. sigh.. It's almost 6pm and you all are making me so hungry. You just reminded me that I need to stop by the store and buy a 20 lbs bag of Jasmine rice for $22.00.

"Holy Cow"! Eating steak and beef stew, just does not sound right. You remind me of the ad campaign where the cow is campaigning for "eat more chicken". LOL

reminds me of an old joke. a history buff hired an artist to paint something depicting custers last battle and possibly last words. the painting was of general custer, a cow with a halo around his head and hundreds of indians lying in the grass copulating. custers last words ; holy cow, look at all the f*****g indians..

Pork chops and onions and spinach salad.

Ismiami: I hadn't even thought about that! I love summer and the smell of steak on the barbecue and a nice salad... chicken seems to be about the only thing we eat anymore....I may start clucking soon!

pork chops brining - thought I would try that. Alfredo pasta, brussel sprouts, spiced apples, strawberry and spinach salad with a poppy seed dressing

While we talking about BBQ and summer, what about fresh, ripe tomatoes? And fresh green beans? Looking forward to those garden veggies!

Leftover Mac and cheese tonight, but I'm gonna make up for it on my vacation! I better pack my sweat pants for the trip home.

My boarders are out tonight so it was just me, and I needed quick and easy and a reasonable level of carbs. My blood sugar got too low while I was running errands. I took a single banana through the checkout lane, stood there and ate it and then continued my shopping.
Dinner was Stove-Top Stuffing with a can of Costco chicken and sauteed fresh mushrooms and onion. Not bad, but too salty. I shouldn't have used broth for the liquid.

Emjo .. a couple of months ago, I tried brining for the first time. Best dang porkchops I've ever had. Verrrryum.

Jeanne .. that dang salt. Wish I'd been raised without it. It ruins the palette for tomato- or poultry-based anything. I've tried some of the herbal-based substitutes, but it's just not the same, hehehe.

Sciatica is acting up, so tonight was a leftover macaroni salad (with half the veggie bin green stuff thrown in) with tuna and grapes. I feel almost virtuous.

I put grapes in my last pasta salad. That and walnuts really perk a salad up, don't they?

Yep, they do, Jeanne. Cut up apples, raisins, pecans .. all according to mood and availability in the larder

Moderator: could you please remove the "show most helpful" option from this thread. It is just an ongoing off-topic discussion and there really are no "helpful" or "unhelpful" answers. It would save us all an extra step in going to the end of the thread!


ive asked the moderators to fix that hassle. their silence on the issue didnt sound very promising.

Brining the pork chops worked well. I will do it from now on even with the apple and raisin dish. They were very tender and browned very nicely. We love fruit and nuts in salads - apple and walnuts or pineapple with shredded cabbage, berries and pecans with lettuce, orange, onion and romaine salad. One trick I find useful if I don't have mild onions on hand for salad, is cut up what I want from a regular onion and soak it in water for about 15 mins - makes it much milder.

Emjo .. ooh .. nice tip on the onions! Thanks.

With regard to making onions milder, for use in salads…

I would like a little more input from anyone who knows how to do this, if you care to share. See, my Greek grandfather used to make this tomato, feta, and onion salad. I loved it, even as a kid. But I could never get my onions - he used just basic white or yellow onions - to be soft and mild like he did. He told me to sprinkle salt over them and let them sit for awhile. The salt would draw out the heat. Then rinse and use for the salad. I've tried. I end up with really salty (not edible) onions and they're still hot. So what am I doing wrong? And really, emjo, just soaking in water will take out some of the heat, too?

I'd like to be able to make the old Greek salad like he used to.

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