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suckway needs to get their s**t together. theyve pulled too much animal fat from their bread, and imo their cheese has never seen a cow.
meanwhile back on planet bunker the renter hor gave me a quart of greek yogurt. it tasted like soured mop water till i hit it with my sweetened rice, added a little xtra sugar and dam, the rice came to life..

My food processor bit the dust, so am wondering what brands people like. I had always done the chopping/slicing by hand, but my shoulder doesn't like it, so I caved and got a cheap food processor a year ago to see if I would like it. It was a Kitchen Aid, and the handle-lock broke. I suppose I could find a replacement part, but would rather go for one that will last for years. Any suggestions? I find I use it quite a bit, and shredded a knuckle last time I made latkes using the old fashioned grater.

ive saw precious little in my time emjo that couldnt be tenderized or pulverized by simply running over them with your truck once or twice. you have to improvise when your physical strength diminishes..

I did - I bought a food processor! ;-)

Emjo, I've had my cuisenart for a decade or so, and have liked it very well. I did manage to break a piece (the bowl, I think -- can't remember now) trying to chop up chocolate chunks and I just bought a replacement and kept going. I think Cuisenart is The brand for food processors. I bought one of their toasters though and that was an expensive joke. I wouldn't have any stand mixer but a KitchenAid. Each company seems to have their own expertise and it doesn't necessarily transfer to other items they make.

Thx Jeanne. That was the direction I was going in. I will see what the local shops have. I don't need one of the huge ones - a medium size is fine. The kitchen aid was fine - until it broke - not noisy and did the job.

took me some time capt to be able to swallow yogurt, but now I love it, and it's very good for you. It use to make me gage though. LOL

Jeanne .. I hear ya on the carbs thing: Everytime we need to leave Edna in the hospital, I'm astounded at the load of carbs they put in a "Diabetic/Heart Healthy" meal plan. I mean .. REALLY? Let's see: rice, and carrots and tomatoes and muffin/bread/crackers, PLUS fruit and desserts. Are ya kiddin?? And they're always SO anxious to give her insulin. People! Give me some veggies, will ya (and I don't mean carrots and peas, either)?? Dang. And they're all about giving you those stupid 'sugar' free things. Um, y'all DO know there are still carbs in those things, right? *rolls eyes* At home, she gets a head start with Januvia, and we manage to keep her premeal sugars around 90, and after meal about 160. And THAT's with a sugar dessert.

I keep telling myself that I should eat what I serve. *meeps* I'm a bad, bad, BAD girl when it comes to food. *avoids the mirror* uhhuh.

And my supper was Subway .. highest in protein, nearly the lowest in carbs: the meatball sub. Yum.

Emjo .. don't know if you've tried one yet, but The Bullet is a great, albeit small, juicer/blender/pulverizer. We used it to great success for making pureed meals when we needed it.

Tonights late dinner for me as I got off work after 9pm...need time to relax before I eat...Lean roast beef on ciabatta bread w/roast beef, tomatoes, onions melted cheddar cheese...bad I know...but it it is 11pm.

Here's one of my yogurt stories. Forty+ years ago yogurt was just starting to appear in supermarkets, especially at the edge of the universe where we lived. My baby had problems keeping his milk down and the pediatrician recommended a number of things, including giving him yogurt instead of milk. Worked great! My mom came to stay with him for 5 days. First-time mother and control freak that I was I left her a long, long list about what to do. (She having only raised seven kids herself.) I explained about the yogurt, which she had never heard of.

When hubby and I returned I was amazed to see all the yogurt still in the fridge. "Oh I tasted it," explained my Ma, "and I couldn't give something like that to a baby!" She also salted baby food so it tasted better to her. She wanted all her children to enjoy their food!

And we all survived just fine. :-)


(not only is today Paczki Day, but tomorrow Mom starts a low-iodine diet, so we're letting her live it up for a day before she starts)

(For those of you from other parts of the world, the US is now crazy for Paczki, which are deep-fried, filled donuts originating in Poland, but with extra fat and cholesterol in them, probably making a regular jelly-filled donut almost a health food, in comparison.)

aunt edna has some constipation trouble. duh? shes been eating roast beef subs nearly every day. beef is the most difficult to digest. our last sandwich was white chicken . she liked it and seemed to understand that the chicken digests more easily but said the roast beef was sure good. ( ednas chuckle ) .
her vision with the new specs is better than mine. i oughtta let her drive and i could cack zans and wash em down with everclear. lol
eh, i got her some otc stool softeners. cvs no longer carries chia seeds. dam shame. softened chia seeds are the cure for worst case constipation.

eating an apple, medium sized, a day is great for constipation. also drinking at the least, in addition to anything else you drink everyday, 8 cups of water will help keep things moving.
beef is also high is sodium, and will cause water retention. we eat too much beef in my house, but i swear i don't know what we are going to be able to afford to eat at this rate today.
paczki's,///// I don't like them, they are too heavy a pastry for my taste, or maybe I havent' had one made by someone who knows what they are doing. I tend to crave salty stuff, and my hubby wants the sweets. of course, I have high blood pressure, and he is diabetic, par for the course huh? HA

well, I think tonight for dinner we are going to have blt's on italian bread.

gonna be hard to beat homemade eclaires. puff pastry. high temp, steam is the rising agent. the dough has to be so light its formed into bars via a bread bag with a hole in the corner. these bars emerge from the oven hollow. pump em full of custard, choc ice, and hit em with crushed peanuts.
if you dont have a caulking gun hanging in the kitchen, you aint livin right..

Captain, I had no I idea you were a pastry chef!! YUMM.
We are having Pork Tenderloin (markdown!!) and POONCH_KEEE aka Paczki because today is MARDI GRAS (Fat Tuesday)

Tonight my daughter and I are taking a cooking class, and we'll eat there, as the instructor finishes each item and passes it around. Really looking forward to it!

i like to vertically stack chops in a bread pan with generous amounts of light veg / apple stuffing between each chop. a can of whole kernel corn in the stuffing makes the stuffing the best part of the meal.
keep the stuffing pretty moist..

thx ladeeC. I have a blender, which is getting old grant you (20yrs?)and will need to be replaced soon, but need size for soups. What I need is the slicing/shredding function of a food processor. I posted on the Kitchen Aid face book site saying I was not impressed and why and they promised to get in touch with me. Someone else had done that for a similar reason and got a replacement, so I will hang on till I see what they offer.

For supper tonight - chicken breast with mushrooms, onion and spinach in a coconut sauce flavoured with ginger, lime, and garlic and a good shake of roasted red pepper flakes.. It passes the taste test! I will serve it on pasta or with brown/wild rice for G and without the extra carbs for me. Saving the rest of the bag of spinach for a strawberry spinach salad tomorrow.

Has anyone tried black pepper on strawberries? Mm mm good!

Pork chops sound good cap and eclairs. I made eclairs a couple of lifetimes ago. My fave pork chop recipe these days is smother them in mustard and brown them then into the oven with apple wedges(skins on), raisins and even dates if you like, lots of cinnamon (some cloves and nutmeg optional). cover with foil and bake till done

Shepherd's pie..

Aargh! The oven timer just went off and I looked at the shepherd's pie and it didn't even looked cooked! That's because the oven wasn't on!!!! Mom's rubbing off on me!

Lamb Chops, rice, peas and grilled onion. Same ole same ole with Mom. She doesn't have a taste for much these days. I am so sick of my own cooking! Vacay next week, and I am going to eat all my fast food favorites. The hotel has a Nathans, Arthur Treachers, and Haggendazz all on site! Woooo Hoooo!

assandache - I did that years ago with a turkey when we had company over. We ate vegetables for supper!

Today here anyway is "pancake tuesday" ok so the catholics will get it. We pig out on pancakes today then tomorrow we give up something for "lent". Im giving up worrying!!!!!! HA!
anyway i made a stack of pancakes with sugar and lemon then maple FLAVOURED syrup (cant afford the real maple stuff here). Then for dinner we had chicken and mushroom crepes with a cream sauce. Then more pancakes for supper.
Yep mums a diabetic and ive got high Cholestrol anyway cant stop farting!! did i say im intolerant to "wheat".
Getting strange looks from the cat? the 2 yrs ive had him hes NEVER farted!! He looks concerned!!

Anywhoo going to ROLL up to bed now too many pancakes but hey hoh "its tradition" no more until next year now.

Emjo, I've been impressed with my Hamilton Beach food processor for going on 6 years. Got it through a rewards program my husband had at work. I wanted a Kitchen Aid but wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. It's been sturdy as heck until recently with my pizza dough making bout. I've had to keep my hand on the top to hold it down when the dough gets really bound.

For veggies and soups it's great. Does slicing and shredding in seconds. Love it except for the cleaning as is with all FP. It's all dishwasher friendly though so that's good.

For small work, I love, love, love my Cuisinart immersion blender. That puppy is SO easy to clean. Whip up your dressing. Pour in serving container. Whip up soap and hot water in the cleaning container. Whir, rinse and you're done. Did I mention I love my it? Yes. I'm a nerd...

Gosh, those pork chops sound so good. Roasted acorn squash and some couscous on the side? :)

Kazzaa, ROFL laughing, especially about the cat! Envious of your celebration feast. Sounds like a great time. Love that!

thx windy - I will wait and see what Kitchen Aid does when (if) they contact me. I have hand washed the parts as I wasn't sure if they were dishwasher proof. I find if I clean it right away it isn't bad. I will look for a Cuisinart immersion blender, My imm blender bit the dust a few months ago and I miss it. Roasted acorn squash is another fave. I would pass on the couscous - allergic to gluten - and add a green veggie. G and I stick with one high carb item per meal - e.g. potatoes or winter squash or biscuits or rice etc. and add veggies. Brussel sprouts or asparagus are good with it. Spaghetti squash is one of my current likes.

I used my Macys Rewards to "buy" me a Magic Bullet. I think with father being bedridden and only drinking nutrient drinks is as exciting as watching a snail cross the road. I've decided to just buy it and then wing it when it comes to making nutritious Variety of drink. We have growing in our yard 3 different kinds of mangos (Haden, regular and carabao mangos), bananas, papaya trees and orange. When I have time, I will google some healthy drink mix for him.

I've had my oven go out on me in the middle of making a wedding cake! Argh!! Good thing I had a friend with a working oven and sense of humor. Arriving at 11 pm with a KitchenAid under your arm and a grocery bag of ingredients would not be viewed as funny by just anyone.

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