Hoarding & Older Adults

Tips and information for caregivers and seniors who are dealing with hoarding behaviors; a compulsive urge to acquire large amounts of possessions and a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with them.

Hoarding Articles

  • Dangers of Hoarding Behavior Become More Severe With Age

    Elderly hoarding is something that most family caregivers do not anticipate having to deal with. This behavior often increases with age and creates a hazardous living environment for older adults. Take these 5 steps to help a senior who hoards.

  • Anxiety, Hoarding and OCD in the Elderly

    Anxiety can be a normal reaction to stress, but when a senior’s fears, worries and coping mechanisms negatively affect their daily activities, relationships and quality of life, it crosses over into a serious mental health condition.

  • How Do I Get Dad Out of His Cluttered, Unsafe Home?

    The task of getting an elderly relative out of a cluttered, filthy, unsafe home is never easy. Here are some tips for caregivers and family to make the process more successful.

  • Hoarding: A Challenging and Potentially Dangerous Dementia-Related Behavior

    Hoarding is an extreme “collecting” behavior seen in some people who have Alzheimer's disease and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Fortunately, there are some strategies that caregivers and family members can use to help manage these behaviors.

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