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This is something none of us have seen.
The risk is real.
your parents should not be going anywhere at this point.
I am currently taking care of my 99 year old dad, under home hospice care.
I am the care 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
He has a home care aide come in an hour per day to bathe him.
God bless them.
I am in a senior apartment, basically one small room, small kitchen, small bedroom with hospital bed for him at night.
I sleep or don’t on the smallest recliner possible lol.
I understand your stress.
I really do. It is real, your thoughts, emotions are real. Your stress is probably sky high. Bless you for taking care of them.
This is not the time to move them anywhere.
Is there room to put a tv where they can watch what they want, then you could?
Honestly they are feeling the same stress, compounded by the stress of the world none of us can control.
I f your husband is with you, go out for a short ride.
Do you have a chair you can place outside for you to get fresh air, even if you have to bundle up.
can you and your husband take a short walk.

Honestly sometimes I go sit in my car out front of his apartment, or just take a short ride around a few blocks.
It does help.

There will be days you feel you can not make it one more day. It is normal.
I think the most important is to get outside to sit awhile, a small ride, a ride with your husband through a takeout joint, to have dinner alone with your hubby. Park somewhere pretty, a park maybe, stay in your car, enjoy the scenery, eat your dinner, roll down the windows and just breathe.

I try to do this once a day. It does help.
Keep them with you.
Take time for you outside daily.
Bless you and your husband. You are the heroes in this.❤️
Helpful Answer (9)
sunnyy Mar 2020
Great advice!!!
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Seems there are 2 issues here: your needs and your parents' needs.

Congratulations that you are in remission! Wow! That must have been a harrowing experience: the fear, the treatments, and now the waiting with fingers crossed. I consider that you have been through a battle with a lot of physical, mental, and emotional stress. Like any warrior who has been through a season of intense fighting, you want - and need - some down time. I have a feeling you crave some peace and quiet, some space without the "burden of others" so you can adjust to just being you.

Your parents have been with you for a loooong visit, 3 months. I imagine they came to be near their daughter whom they feared they might have lost. They have been through the emotional and adjustment upheavals too. Now the "virus" is wreaking havoc with everybody's life. Your parents are now the ones at risk of dying: older, health problems, probably more fragile immune systems. Sure, they could "stay in place" in their home in Florida but managing it without family support would be a lot more difficult. Getting to Florida would also present its own challenges: how to get there without exposure to virus, restocking shelves that are empty (toilet paper?!), and negotiating all the "stay in place" rules while caretaking. In many ways, being with your family is their best chance for survival.

The problem is how to give you and your parents the "environment" each needs. You crave - need - alone time. They desperately want time with you. May I suggest that you create "zones:" some that are yours and your hubby's only, ones that are your parents only, and ones that are community spaces. Decide together what schedules, tasks, and needs each person has while living in this situation. You should NOT be the one to do all the household tasks, all the socializing tasks, and all the caregiving tasks. You need to stress to the others that you need "downtime" daily for _____ hours since you are still recovering from your cancer battle. Use your downtime to rediscover whatever recharges your physical, mental, emotional, ans spiritual batteries.... brings you joy! You will probably find that once you are re-charged you can handle the extended time with family a little better... and maybe enjoy having them there.
Helpful Answer (7)

Our governor is concerned about snowbirds returning & bringing the virus from Florida. I read that Florida could be the next hotspot. I would continue to monitor the situation there, and try to create some space and alone time for yourself while enlisting family help. Hopefully this will resolve itself soon....
Helpful Answer (3)

Hello, I think that giving them more time with you is a jewel. I say this for more than one reason. Please read all of the reasons before you feel like this is not worth reading. Here they are:
1. They are the reason that you came to earth.
2. I believe that if they go home, you will worry about them.
3. They will also worry about you and your family.
I don't want to continue telling you why without saying this. My daddy died in 1999.
My mother had a massive stroke in 2005. She lived with me and my husband for 9 years before she died. No, it was not always easy caring for her. I was diagnosed with ms in 1998 and have dealt with health challenges. If I could care for her again, I would!
Helpful Answer (3)
sunnyy Mar 2020
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Yes you should allow them to stay for another three months because, if the Covid-19 diseasebis worse in florida you should take your first step in caring for them, and their safety. So yes please for their sake allow them to stay for another three months.
Helpful Answer (4)

Given the current situation, I think it would be advisable for them to remain with you for the time being. That being said, I think you can make opportunities to take breaks from them to rest and take care of yourself. I suggest that you make your needs clear to them so that they understand. It sounds as if they are fairly independent. I know striking a balance balance is difficult but it is important. Draft a schedule for self care if need be and share it. Take care.
Helpful Answer (4)

I totally understand how you feel as I was on chemo for over a year; however as a resident of Florida I would advise you to keep your parents with you. It is not nice here at the moment. Limited groceries is a huge problem. Virus is spreading. I would suggest a bedroom sabbatical, paired with a nice hot tub of bubbles. You can say you are not feeling well and make a "getaway" spot in your home, somewhere. I have a reading nook due to my love of books. In addition, they are not supposed to leave the house according to the presidential alert we received and Governor DeSantis wants no domestic travel to Florida. This is serious stuff. I would not send my parents here. Find a way to have alone time on a consistent basis with them there.
Helpful Answer (5)

You already know the answer. When you were a child your parents cared for you. Consider how you have phrased the question and your need for me time. If it is truly onerous to be with them why not take a trip to their house in Florida and let them stay put. Invite your husband as well.

odds are you know the answer to that too. Take care stressful times are upon all of us. Family matters and no place is better than home
Helpful Answer (5)

Where in Florida do they live? Some areas are under “shelter-in-place” orders = Hillsborough Co., Pinellas Co., St. Petersburg all are in my neck of the woods - Pasco Co. is thinking about it.

That might make it a bit more difficult for them. But they show have their groceries delivered anyway, since they are high risk.

I fully understand needing alone time. I would be crazy by now, if I were you.
Helpful Answer (2)

If no travel restrictions govern the decision, and transportation is readily available, then for all parties concerned departure is the best course of action, unless of course, the gathering is proving beneficial in more ways than one. If hubby instigates the guilt trip and resources are plentiful, and square footage generous, then why not! The more the merrier, catch up on good times, turn netflix on and order in. But rest is a rare commodity, and peace of mind also.
Helpful Answer (3)

This is only my opinion and my recent experience.  I would say yes keep them near you for as long as you can, your husband is probably right (he should know you best) that if something were to happen to them while they are away from you that you'd feel guilty.  If your parents are not bothering you, then I highly recommend letting them be with you for as long as you can.  FAMILY is very important, especially our parent, after all none of us would be here if it weren't for the two of them.  
I cry every night and haven't been able to sleep because my mom is in a locked unit SNF.  Two days before the quarantine was issued, she was admitted and I haven't been able to hold her hand, speak to her privately in person, hug her or kiss her for over 2 weeks now and it's been very difficult considering that we would be together every day.  I MISS HER SO MUCH and pray that I will be able to hug each other again.
Helpful Answer (2)

Tbh, I cannot advise that they go to Florida. Everyone has been told to shelter in place.
Helpful Answer (2)
Shane1124 Apr 2020
weekend for 4 years with my husband, I spend 3 weeks every 2 months with them in Florida, pay their mortgage and support my brother and I can’t complain that 3 months is a long time? You’re saying I’m going to feel guilty?

(0) Yes, It's the human in us... No matter how much you do, no matter how long you did it, and if you don't check yourself,,, You Will Feel Guilty... Please try not to feel guilty,,,, it sucks, and it's hard to wash it off... No matter how well you did, you think back, and think you could have done more... And it does not feel good... Hopefully, it will not stick to you.... I cannot get rid of it.. It is not fair to my immediate family, They know I tried, they were there with me. It is very hard..They did their best too....
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This corona virus is just so bizarre. It is a super virus that attaches and hangs on to every fiber of something near it. And you don't know you have this hitchhiker unitl it's too late.
I haven't seen my best friend in 2 weeks. Even if I promise her I will stay 6 feet away. Our dogs are best friends, and mine misses lil Lili... She only runs when Lili is around.. But dogs are able to carry this virus to their humans too, so we stay out of public parks now...and I don't take her to visit my aunt... one of the caretakers at the board n care is off duty for a bit... she has symptoms now... Hopefully it's only a cold.. If it is more than a cold, that house can be wiped out... 6 residents, 2 caretakers..
This virus is not prejudice. It will attack anyone in its path. So, stay put if you can. Do not get in the cross fires of covid19.
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There is no right answer to this. The fact is that what you want is people to tell you that you've been a good daughter and it's OK to send your parents packing in the middle of a pandemic, Because come on 3 months with them is enough.

If you can live with the guilt that most loving children would feel if their parents got the virus after they'd had enough of them for awhile (or even an acquaintance) go for it! You say that you won't feel guilty because you've done enough. But, you also say that you love them. So if they get sick at home and they might not have if they'd stayed with you, how could you not?

You know I've been at my parent's house in Florida for over 3 months. I am sick of being here. I get it, my husband and I have no privacy. Worse I have to live by their rules. I have to listen to my mom telling me what I am doing wrong, more often than I'd like. I'm sick to death of helping to clean up my dad. He has dementia, a history of bladder cancer, heart problems, can't go to the bathroom by himself and he's been so sick that he couldn't even stand so I had to hold him up while my mom wiped him. Hand her stuff to catheterize him. Even harder she had to have shoulder replacement surgery after she broke her shoulder badly, I had to learn to do that myself while she was in the hospital. Yeah I'd love to go home. I'm sure that my mom would love to have her house back. My brother was here for weeks before us until after the new year.

But, my dad isn't well enough, and he isn't healed enough for my mom to care for alone right now. Even more importantly traveling home would require more exposure to people and places. More risk of getting the virus. With all the shelter in place rules and rules about crossing state lines and quarantine, I am not even sure that traveling home is possible. But no way that I would put my family or my parents, if the situation was reversed and they were with me, through the added risk just because I was feeling too crowded.

With my dad in poor health I am trying to stay as far away from him as much as I can. While still helping with things like getting him dressed and changing him. I use copious amounts of hand sanitizer on top of washing my hands numerous times. I have a 12 year old too. So he has to be cooped up and stay away from the grandparents that he loves while living in the same house. It's hard. I feel for you, really I do. But when you posted this you already knew the right answer. They need to stay. So go have your good cry, because no it's not fair. Yes it sucks. Yes you deserve to have your life back. Then find a way to carve out a space for yourself. Remind yourself that someday you are going to miss this. Likely one day much too soon. It is going to be OK. Just take a deep breath as you look around you and find a way to get through these very trying times. Oh and give yourself a huge hug. You deserve it.
Helpful Answer (1)
Countrymouse Mar 2020
I think you may have missed the part where the OP explained that she is recovering from breast cancer, and that her parents' home is better located for them in that it is within easy reach of health amenities and food supplies.

I agree that the exposure through travel, and the going from one area to another, is a problem. There is a lot of weighing up to do.
The last post I see from the OP is the 28th.

With all that is going on in the last week since she posted, things are quite different. Florida is getting stricked about who comes into their state. NJ, NY and Conn being their biggest targets. I looked at the VA map and their numbers were actually hire the day that OP posted than today. And, they have been testing. In my area of NJ, DE is right across the bridge and rumor has it DE has told us not to come over there. And our numbers are low, where I live.

All kinds of decisions need to be made. Are they going to be good or bad. They are saying 3 more months we are going to need to "shelter in place".
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