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The Skilled nursing home I’m in requires vaccination unless you have a letter from your doctor. The Health Dept came around to my uncle’s nursing home and gave the shots. I signed for him to get the shot. Yes people do still get Covid but the rates for death and Hospitalizations are much lower. Vaccination is most likely the only way to control the virus.
Helpful Answer (6)

Thank goodness many decades ago we didn't have this type of thinking regarding small pox and polio, otherwise we would still be dealing with those dreadful diseases. Everyone back then rolled up their sleeve for the cause.
Helpful Answer (13)
geddyupgo Oct 2021
Isn't that the truth??? I remember there was a bit of discussion in my family about the polio vaccine (we are African Americans as and you probably know the past relationship with the medical profession has not been good) but........................ when it was time to get that shot.. we did it .
Looks like someone's got the tin foil hat on early this morning :)
Helpful Answer (9)

I am so sorry your mom is being shut out because she does not want to take the shot. It's not right and what is happening around the world in regards to this is unconscionable. The CDC has even saud the shot does not stop a person from getting covid and based on news articles it also does not stop hospitalization either or death. That the rates are the same on average whether you have the shot or not. Yet we have public insanity in regards to this and the collusion from the media and big tech to spin one narrative about this. You have a less than 2% chance of dying from covid but a larger chance of dying because of the incorrect covid treatments that many hospitals have adopted.
Helpful Answer (4)
Isthisrealyreal Oct 2021
Not to mention that they are killing people by giving them the vax without checking for antibodies and then their own immunity response kills them.

Oh, and the intervention to stop effective treatments.

I am still just gobsmacked that people are freaking out and heart disease still kills more than 880k annually in the USA alone. Don't see any concern about that. But then again it wouldn't create the same tyranny this man made virus has. And it hasn't even killed 880k in two years. Hmmm? Wonder how much money is being kicked back from the multi billions we as taxpayers are paying big pharma?

No, that is not illegal.

Get her the vaccine if she wants to attend. Public safety has to come first.
Helpful Answer (7)
sp19690 Oct 2021
The shot is not about public safety.
Just to clarify; you are certain that mom was told this?

By whom?
Helpful Answer (3)
LP1955 Oct 2021
I am very certain, mom is extremely coherent with her memory. It was an activity assistant, verbal, nothing in writing.
Is there a reason she did not get vaccinated? Frankly I'm 76 and I prefer to be around people who are vaccinated. I think it is considerate of others to refrain from social events if you are not vaccinated.
Helpful Answer (10)
sp19690 Oct 2021
It is known that vaccinated people are contracting and spreading covid. This is per the CDC.
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