
His Licence is still valid although the DMV notified our insurance co. following the doctor's diagnosis. The insurance co. cancelled him. Now he wants me to take him to buy a new car. His driver's licence says good until 2027. The DMV never recalled his licence. My husband follows the law but I need the law on my side. Any suggestions?

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Get the form that causes the DMV to bring him in for testing, get the doctor to send one as well. Call them or go to their website to find it. Every state has one.

Just another example of dereliction of duty by government payees.

Can he understand that he doesn't have insurance and is risking everything to drive?
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The DMV doesn’t “recall” licenses, were you expecting them to make him come in and turn in his license? I know my state doesn’t do that but I suppose other states might. You say the DMV notified your insurance—what did they notify them of? Of course his license says it’s still good, but that doesn’t mean it’s actually valid.
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Even if someone has a driver's license it doesn't mean the person can drive. The license could be "suspended" on the DMV database but your hubby can still have his license in hand to use for identification, like for cashing a check, use at the bank, or use at the airport if you travel, etc .

Do you have a car? Do you think hubby would try to drive your car?

Now is the time to start using "theraputic fibs" for any time hubby wants to look at a new car or if he wants to drive your car. Use an excuse you feel will work. Such as "the doctor said you cannot drive right now, maybe in 3 months", "if you drive, your health insurance will be cancelled", remember these are all fibs.

Sometimes a person will believe a doctor more so then a family member. Have his primary doctor tell him he cannot drive. That worked with my Dad when he was in his late 80's, doctor said he couldn't drive for 6 months, and the end of 6 months, Dad decided to no longer get behind the wheel.

I know this is a difficult issue for you to be in.
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Just say no, tell him that until the doctor sends him an approval in writing you will not do this. Then request a form from the DMV to bring him in for testing. There are times one has to stand up and say no, this is one of those times.
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Ask the doctor to write a letter that he doesn't believe that your husband should drive. Take this letter to your local DMV. They will rescind the license. It will then be out of the question getting a new car. You are also going to need to get some POA going to have control of finances while you are able to, because this could get worse, and there will come a point when you will have no control over what he does license of not. My brother was in a very serious accident to prove to himself that he cannot drive. Totaled his truck, hurt himself, and got the diagnosis he needed to get, and we both feel very very lucky no one else was hurt.
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Take his driver's license to the DMV yourself with a copy of the doctor's report and insurance company's cancellation letter. You also can make a copy of the insurance letter, copy of the doctor's report, cut his driver's license in half, and mail it to your DMV certified mail return receipt requested.
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Thank you everyone for taking the time to answer.  It is so kind and sweet of you all.  I can't even tell you how much I appreciate it.  I am synthesizing all of your responses and have it on my to do list for next week.  You are all heroes!
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Fill out a "Request for Driver Review" online, they'll ask him to come in for a written and drive test
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