
This practice drives me up the wall!! He stays in bed about 22 hours a day!!! I'm already burnt out from work here for him!!! I haven't been to hairdresser in almost 2 yrs!! I need eyeglasses, dental work and general maintenance for myself!! I love my husband, but I'm tired and burnt-out! He has dementia, high blood pressure and diabetes. He can walk hardly now. I'm disabled myself, but I get around the best I can. I'm just disgusted and tired! God help me! What can I do?

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Patty, don't forget to read the good answers posted when you asked a similar question the other day :)
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Thank you, ALL! JESUS is keeping me sane & strong +++
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Put ou a sos to everyone you know. Call aps and ask for help. Call your pastor or your neighbors priest or something. You need a break.
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Try get someone to come in few hours maybe twice a week so u can have time for yourself. Hope you fid all the help you need , May God strengthen you
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No, he is awake most of time.
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You need some practical help, that is for sure. Can you afford in-home help? Someone to come in for a few hours, while you see the dentist, have your hair done, etc? If that is not financially feasible, call the social services department (are you in the US?) and ask for a needs assessment. Someone will come in and determine how much/what kind of care your husband needs, and then help you in obtaining it.

Does your husband sleep the whole time he is in bed? Sleeping 22 hours may mean he is ready for a hospice evaluation.
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