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I'm still walking with Leslie Sansone and I never would have believed that something so low key and so simple could have so much benefit. ❤🧡❤💖
I figured if I can do a work out in my home then I could probably handle a little jogging on the trails and was shocked that I was able to keep going at a steady "walk at home" pace for the 30 minutes it took to do the entire loop I usually walk, and I wasn't even winded. I have been trying to reach this level for years and had pretty much given up hope of ever improving, this has been a real game changer for me!

I had to scroll back to see who had recommended Leslie's videos - many thanks to Grandmaofeight!

CW, I thought it was you.... You have worked hard, you deserve that Big Mac!

Added a 3rd (brief) type of kettlebell exercise this morning. It felt good! Getting a bit stronger little by little.

Now that Spring is coming to our part of the world I want to encourage all you caregivers to get outside, even if all you can manage is a few minutes. Fresh air and exercise reduce stress, it's good for the soul!

I find I'm sleeping better with my 20,000 steps per day and physically I've actually grown accustomed to needing that, but some days getting those steps in is HARD! For instance this morning I did 30 minutes of aerobics which netted me 4000 steps and my daily walk to the end of town and back will add about 7000. That leaves a whole lot of steps to make up. Days when I get a phone call from sister are better because I can easily rack up thousands when I pace while talking, but otherwise even doing a second round of aerobics in the afternoon won't get me there.

The first of the shingles series whipped me, too! Second one not bad at all.

Still walking halls. Winds finally starting to lessen while warming up.

OK, back in the saddle again after a couple of weeks of virtually no exercise due to combo of shingles vax fatigue and minor dental surgery. Went for a short, peaceful “soul stroll” last night and did a few kettlebell swings this morning.

I discovered qigong about 4 and 1/2 years ago and I’m so glad that I did. It’s helped me with stress, depression and it can actually heal a lot of things. It’s the cultivation of life force energy and it’s been around for 5000 years.

Since Covid happened a lot of classes have gone to zoom and so I’ve been able to take classes from the best qigong masters around the world without leaving my home.

Movements are gentle and easy and can have great benefits for the body.
I’m in my second round of caregiving so I know what kind of stress that can entail. Beside faith, qigong has been a lifeline for me.

I am recovering from spinal cord surgery so my mobility and use of my hands is limited but I would like to start exercising to build my strength

Thanks Gershun. I'm kind of worried though that if I don't keep exercising like a crazy person I'll start gaining again, because other than eliminating sweet treats I haven't really changed my diet much.

Way to go Willie!👏

I hit my goal! 🎆✨ but I'm going to keep working to lose 5 more lbs. It would be nice to get back to my pre middle aged weight but I doubt that will ever happen in my lifetime.

There are 20,261 steps in 9 miles. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I'm still doing the walk at home videos but things were getting repetitive so I've found a way to pep things up, I'm muting the videos and subbing in music from my old playlists - when the music and movements are really off it's simple enough to pause the video and scroll ahead to find more closely aligned tunes. I could just do the moves without the videos running but I find working out with the other virtual people is motivating.

Well, there ya go Glad! :)

Gershun 6,000 steps is about three miles at my stride. At least that is what my fitness tracker says.

I don't feel hopelessly inadequate. Just mildly. ;)

Everybody is different, if I would go by all the people who post on the fitness websites I'd feel hopelessly inadequate because they are all supposedly racking up 10,000 before breakfast 🙄. The highest I've ever gotten is my 30,000 step badge after an all afternoon hike, I can't imagine ever doing better. I know I won't be able to keep up the 20,000 pace indefinitely, the only reason I can do it is because those Leslie Sansone videos can rack up a couple thousand steps in just 15 minutes (and they're fun).

Good for you Glad. I've been doing about 6000 steps a day and I thought that was great. LOL I only need to lose about ten pounds though. I concentrate on eating less more than my workouts though.

20,000 steps CWillie!!! Really? Good for you.

I've adjusted my Fitbit because my pace is smaller than the average, it tells me that is a little more than 8 miles. The recommended 10,000 steps just isn't nearly enough to keep my weight stable let alone lose anything.(Maybe if I sewed my mouth closed LOL)

I'll get on the scales at Easter. I'm hoping maybe I'll fit in my little black dress in time for nephew #4's wedding at the end of April.

CW great 👍👍 Isn't that about ten miles a day?

Well done, cw. 20,000 steps a day is amazing! You must be pretty fit then! When are going to try the scales?

Way to go Glad!
I have doubled down on my walking videos in addition to outdoor walks so I'm consistently pushing closer to 20,000 steps per day. I've also mostly given up sugar and bedtime snacks for lent and am trying to be mindful of my regular meals. So... I feel like may be losing but I don't want to jinx things by actually stepping on the scales.

That's really great. Three miles a day should burn up fat.

Nope haven't really changed my diet. But, walk three miles a day, occasionally a little more. I am actually shocked!

Weight training will actually cause an increase in weight sometimes because muscle weighs more than fat.

Wow congratulations, Glad. That's awesome. Have you changed your eating habits at all as well? I've never lost weight through exercise. I wish!

My dd who was taking a personal coaching course passed on to me a valuable hint which was to "build a habit" for getting into regular exercise. She learned that the first thing to do was to build the habit of exercise even if you are not doing the intensity or amount of exercise you want to do eventually. Once you have the habit, then you can then build up to the intensity and amount of exercise you want to accomplish. It works for other things too like, for example, drinking more water in a day, or dusting your furniture. I have found it a very useful hint.

Hall walking must be working. I have lost TEN pounds since I started this exercise program. Now, another ten!

Send, I just wrote up an assignment for school on how to increase a workout behavior deficit. My inspiration was the treadmill sitting in my middle room collecting dust and cat hair.

So I wrote a short paper about how to increase getting on the treadmill. I have to signal ahead of time (telling my roomies ahead of time that I'll be on it from 9-9:30, setting out my sneakers) and then I have to reward myself with something that I can only obtain from doing it. I decided on watching true crime shows *only* when I'm on the treadmill.

I know the plan would work.

But I happen to be watching true crime on another browser right now. hahahahah That's called bootleg reinforcement or short-circuiting the contingency. Sigh. Habits are difficult to change.

Just thought it was funny and apropos. 🤷

My New Year’s Resolution was doing some sort of stretching everyday, and I’ve forgotten most days. Tonight I did a few easy stretches before sitting down to dinner. Hopefully this can become a new habit!

Well, here is an interesting tidbit. I have this activity tracker, I have been working most of the day getting ready for my house to list, cleaning up, organizing, getting ready to start packing. What does my tracker pick up? Ten minutes of cycling! ;)

Be careful, CW.

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