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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

This forum is a blessing. 😊

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 🦃🥧🥂

All I can say is that even though this has been a roller coaster year with my emotions and with the whole Covid-19 that I am thankful that I am above ground to enjoy my sweetheart and having him to share a big dinner with, but I am more thankful that Jesus has been with me through everything I have gone through this year. He wiped my tears when no one else did, He comfort me when I felt lonely. He listen to me in the middle of the night. He kept me & my sig-other safe. He has been healing my body, mind, and soul. He has kept a roof over our heads & food in our bellies. He has even remind me that He will bring me through this. How He loves me so and I just love Him with all my heart and soul. Praise the Lord, our King!🙌

Be safe everyone!❤

I am so thankful for a warm fire and a warm place to sleep in this cooooold weather.
Let us pray for all those who do not have those luxuries.

Psalms 50:14
Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High

Dear "smeshque,"

Good to hear from you - a warm fire always sounds so relaxing and peaceful!

Hope all has been well with you and your family :)

I thank God every night that I have a roof over my head and that I get to sleep in my own bed because I know there are so many people who don't and I pray for those people as well.

I love your avatar!!

Let God be the Glory!🙏

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.

Psalms 95:2

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 4:8

From Psalm 8 which humbles me every time I read it. The incredible glory of the heavens, the never-ending expanse of it all that our minds can't even comprehend, the countless galaxies blazing with light and stars and energy... and yet the Lord has put us above all of it and above all living things as well:

"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
 what is man that you are mindful of him,
    and the son of man that you care for him?"

"O Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!"

Thank you Lord for the beautiful Sunshine you gave us this day, and that we are all healthy and safe.

Matthew 6:33 
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I am sooo thankful for a warm place in this snow.

I hope you all are staying warm.
May God bless each of you with what you need.

Everyday, God is Good, and God is Good everyday.

A boy was standing in the middle of the street waiting for the bus. An older man approached him and said, "Son, if you want to catch the bus, you have to walk down to that bus stop over there." The boy said, "No Sir, the bus will stop for me right here." The man tried and tried to convinced the boy he had to go to the bus stop to be picked up. The boy said to the man, " I have faith that the bus will pick me up here."
Shortly after the bus came by and sure enough stopped and as the boy got on the bus he turned to the man and said, "Sir, I had faith because the bus driver is my Daddy."

If we are God's children, let our faith remain strong and true, knowing our Father works everything for our good. Trust HIM, believe HIM, and receive HIM.

Much love everyone!

Each year I create a custom Christmas ornament celebrating/honoring a special person in my life. This year it was my mother - 89 and struggling with dementia. I wanted to share my thoughts here where I know they'll be appreciated:

"2020 has been a challenging year to say the least, yet in every circumstance we can find strength and purpose. Mine is found daily as I journey alongside my mother and through her gift of Grace. Unconditional, forgiving, compassionate, redeeming. Grace is accepting the things you cannot change and learning
to live in, embrace and cherish the moment. Grace is doing what is right, not what is easy.  A gift that cannot be given until it has truly been received. Through her courage, love, acceptance, gratitude, patience and limitless chances for ‘do-overs’, my mother has transformed the hearts of all who are blessed to know her…through her gift of Grace.
 As we begin yet another year, my prayer is that we all truly learn to give (and receive) Grace."

Blessed Be the caregivers and this forum.
Peace & Love,

Even in Covid if we are still and patient God will give us peace.

Thank you Lord for the beautiful Sunshine this day.

But, mostly for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

So many blessings today, including some extra patience when it was needed.

Thank you, Lord!

Extra patience when needed is always such a blessing!

I am so thankful for Jesus.

God is great everyday, and everyday God is great!

God blessed us richly today in that my wife and I were able to get out to a local park for a picnic and a little bit of fishing.

God is great and life is good!

Hallah that is so wonderful!

Mom has been sick for a couple of days. I am thankful that she is beginning to feel better.
I have gotten AB on an exercise regimen and it seems to be doing him good.

I am so thankful for the nice cool day yesterday after some fierce temperatures.

Our garden and animals are doing well.

I am thankful for Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, who loved us sinners so much to lay down his life in our place. What a King! What a Lord! What a Saviour! What Love!

smeshque - so nice to see you. I'm glad to hear mom and AB are getting and doing better.

How's your school going? When is harvest time? I love to hear about all the vegetables you grow and harvest.

I am so thankful that Mom has recovered from being severely ill.
I am so thankful for our bountiful harvest especially of tomatoes.
I am so thankful for you all that no matter when or where or what time, I can find you here.

PB- Thank you, how are you. School is going well, I go back exactly a month from now. I received a scholarship for the rest of my education which I am so thankful for.
We have been harvesting for about a month now, mostly tomatoes and peppers. We have some watermelons on the vines, I am looking forward to those for sure. I have been making lots of tomato sauces, my favorite is the pizza sauce.
Much love PB!

I am thankful for all of you!

I am counting all my blessings that the Lord blessed me with this last year. I hope that all of you can see what HE blessed you with as well.

Let's always try and see the blessings through the good and not so good times.

Happy New Year!!

smesque- good to see you.

Happy New Year to you and your family.

Thank you God for giving me such a wonderful husband, and thank you that I finally found a job that I like.
And thank you Smeshque for bringing up this topic.

In The Garden
GodTube Staff

Inspired by the gospel of John, chapter 20, this hymn celebrates the joyous companionship its author, C. Austin Miles, experiences with Jesus as he walks through the garden.

In the Garden
I come to the garden alone,
While the dew is still on the roses,
And the voice I hear falling on my ear,
The Son of God discloses...
And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other, has ever, known!
He speaks and the sound of His voice,
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that he gave to me,
Within my heart is ringing . . .
And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other, has ever, known!
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other, has ever, known!
Words and Music by C. Austin Miles, 1912

In The Garden
GodTube Staff

Inspired by the gospel of John, chapter 20, this hymn celebrates the joyous companionship its author, C. Austin Miles, experiences with Jesus as he walks through the garden.

In the Garden
I come to the garden alone,
While the dew is still on the roses,
And the voice I hear falling on my ear,
The Son of God discloses...
And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other, has ever, known!
He speaks and the sound of His voice,
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that he gave to me,
Within my heart is ringing . . .
And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other, has ever, known!
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other, has ever, known!
Words and Music by C. Austin Miles, 1912

C. Austin Miles
Published by
Public Domain
The Story Behind In The Garden
Here is the account of how this beautiful hymn was written from the hymn writer, C. Austin Miles, himself, “One day in April 1912, I was seated in the dark room where I kept my photographic equipment, and also my organ. I drew my Bible toward me and it opened at my favorite book and chapter, John chapter twenty. I don’t know if this was by chance or by the work of the Holy Spirit. I will let you the reader decide. That story of Jesus and Mary in 
John 20 had lost none of its power and charm.
It was though I was in a trance, as I read it that day, I seemed to be part of the scene. I became a silent witness to that dramatic moment in Mary’s life when she knelt before her Lord and cried, “Rabboni”. I rested my hands on the open Bible, as I stared at the light blue wall. As the light faded, I seemed to be standing at the entrance of a garden, looking down a gently winding path, shaded by olive branches. A woman in white, with head, bowed, hand clasping her throat, as if to choke back her sobs, walked slowly into the shadows. It was Mary. As she came unto the tomb, upon which she placed her hand, she bent over to look in and ran away.
John, in a flowing robe, appeared looking at the tomb. Then came Peter, who entered the tomb, followed slowly by John. As they departed, Mary reappeared leaning her head upon her arm at the tomb, she wept. Turning herself, she saw Jesus standing there, so did I. I knew it was He. She knelt before Him, with arms outstretched, and looking into His face cried, “Rabboni”.
I awakened in sunlight, gripping my Bible with my muscles tense, and nerves vibrating, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I wrote as quickly as the words could be formed the lyrics exactly as it is sung today. That same evening, I wrote the tune. It is sung today as it was written in 1912.”

We are blessed! Everyday, because of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Nice to “see” you, Smeshque!

Beautiful, serene late summer weather here today. Definitely a blessing to cherish.

During a very stressful time at work I bought a journal and every night before bed I would write down 3 things that happened that day that made me smile. After a few weeks I noticed that I was actively looking for things throughout the day anticipating getting to record them. This went a long way to improving my outlook!

I'm a psychologist in my day job and I really like this idea because it's kind of like a public gratitude journal!

-Its Friday so I don't have to work tomorrow
-The water and power are back!!
-Especially the water, I don't know how people live without water
-I got the heat element fixed on the truck so I have transportation again
-When I went to the doctor the other day I'm weirdly healthy for someone with a chronic illness, my hormone levels, blood levels, etc were perfect and my uterine lining was perfect!!
-The feeding tube is working! Granny is up to 91lbs (from 89) and at this rate should be up to the 125lbs that she needs to be to not be actively dying of starvation in a few months!

The weather was warmer today!

We have made it through another year!

Jesus is our Savior!

Happy New Year everyone!!

It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.
Psalms 18:32

I am grateful that God's mercy is new every morning. I need it.

God bless all the caregivers and their charges, may HE bless them exceeding abundantly.

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