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LVKDRA, yes indeed! Praise The Lord for your miracle car accident.

I know a young man that flipped his little truck on a mountain freeway and walked away, singing the Praise of God for protecting him.

What a wonderful testimony, thank you for sharing.

God continue to bless and keep you.


LVKDRA- Praise the Lord.
As Isthisreal said a wonderful testimony.
What a blessing you are here to share this story.
We are rejoicing with you, for our Rock of Ages.
Isn't HE Wonderful?
So blessed by your story.
Thank you, so much for the thanksgiving to the Lord.

DH and I had gotten a bid on a job last week and today we completed it. I am so thankful we got it completed today, as we need to get wood cut before the rain.
The Lord is good to us more than we deserve.

Hallelujah, what a Savior! ( Dad would always sing those words, :) )

"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
Colossians 3:2

I wonder how shell is doing. I sure miss her counting blessings, it was really lovely.

I am blessed.
Patience gets better and better Thank the Lord. And this makes me happy for many reasons. One being that patience grows us into better things.

Romans 5:3-5
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;

And patience, experience; and experience, hope:

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

I miss Shell too. I suppose she’s okay.

I am thankful for Jesus. He is better than all these things.

All the money that the world could hold
Mountains made of solid gold
Riches that could buy my dreams
You are better than all these things
The prettiest face to turn their eyes
Beauty that could hypnotize
The open doors that looks may bring
You are better than all these things
Your love is better than life
You are the well that won't run dry
I have tasted and I have seen
Oh, You are better than all these things
Power that could shake the moon
Most important one in every room
Status matched by only kings
You are better than all these things
Your love is better than life
You are the well that won't run dry
I have tasted and I have seen
You are better than all these things
Oh, Your love is better than life
You are the well that won't run dry
I have tasted and I have seen
You are better than all these things
Being liked and loved by everyone
Approval that outshines the sun
Cheered by all who think of me
You are better than all these things
You are better than all these things
You are better, oh, You're better
I have tasted and I have seen
You are better than all these things
Oh, Your love is better than life
You are the well that never runs dry
I have tasted and I have seen
You are better than all these things
You are better than all these things
Oh, I know You are better than all these things
I know You are better than all these things
I know You are better than all these things
You are better than I can imagine
Better than I can imagine, over, above what I seek
Better than I can imagine, Your love for me
Better than I can imagine, over, above what I seek in life
You are better than all these things
Woah, I know You are better than all these things
Woah, I know You are better than all these things
Better than I can imagine

Pat Barrett - Better

I am thankful for God's everlasting love. I am thankful for His hand moving in my life. I am just thankful for Him watching over me and all His children. I am thankful for all my wonderful friends here on AC. I am thankful for all the love and support I have gotten here!

Yes, I am back and how I have missed everyone.

Happy Thanksgiving and may God's favor cover each and everyone of you!😁

Yay! We redeemed ourselves. New Orleans Saints beat the Falcons.
Game just ended. New Orleans is cheering like crazy! There will be lots of celebrating.

Yay Saints! Who Dat!

Who Dat Nation is alive and well, Frazzled. We are going to fight for the number one seat!

Let me tell you, years past our football team was so bad that fans wore paper bags over their faces because they were ashamed to be seen! 😂 hahaha, we are still die hard fans that still showed up for the games! We were so bad that we were called, The Ain’ts instead of the Saints.

Man, after the devastation of Katrina our city really needed our super bowl win. Of course, we had a parade to celebrate! Drew threw beads straight to my daughter. She was thrilled! Of course he didn’t miss. He pointed to her, aimed, nailed it. What a quarterback! It was the largest attendance of any parades, even our Mardi Gras parades. It was so fun!

We are the loudest cheering fans anywhere.

Even the opposing teams fans love us and party with us after the games. New Orleans has great places to celebrate!

Wonderful day with family for Thanksgiving. Dinner was great. I cooked and baked, and others prepped and cleaned. Mom did very well, had a feast, happy and content with family present. Skyped brother overseas. Watched part of IT's A Wonderful Life. Today resting and enjoying pie for my breakfast. Everyone sleeping and I have some quiet time myself. Grateful heart!

LSU is undefeated! Geaux Tigers!

Ha ha, I love the joy of sports fans! My dad was so happy when his Cal beat Stanford in the Big Game last weekend, after several years in a row of losses. And I am glad to hear about the joy the LA fans of various teams are experiencing, too!

Lots of rain the last few days in CA, badly needed. And peace and safety in our home. Thanks, Lord!

I am grateful for today's sermon that just spoke to me and reminded me just how the darkest times are a blessing. How God can move in the dark! I am also grateful for a great weekend. We had a lot of work to do but it was just what we needed. And as always, I am grateful for God's peace and joy that is over my life.🙏🙌

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world"
(John 16:33 NLT)


That does put things in perspective, doesn’t it?


Yes it does:)

we have missed you here. Glad to see you back.

I am so thankful to the Lord for all he has done for me in the last two weeks. It has been quite a struggle, but I can see the sunshine, now.

“Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”
Psalms 119:2

I was blessed by a beautiful Christmas music concert at church last night, and by the fun of watching all the adorable children in the audience, especially the little boys in suspenders, bow ties, jaunty Christmas sweaters, and other items of clothing they will never voluntarily wear a few years from now, LOL. What a treat. Thanks, Lord!

With the new children in my life, I have been playing them little songs, and all day I have had this song in my head. And for that I am thankful, it makes me smile.

Rise and Shine (Arky, Arky)

The Lord told Noah
There's gonna be a floody, floody
The Lord told Noah
There's gonna be a floody, floody
Get those children out of the muddy, muddy, children of the Lord
The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky
The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky
Build it out of gopher barky, barky, children of the Lord.
The animals, they came, they came in by twosies twosies
The animals, they came, they came in by twosies, twosies
Elephants and kangaroosie, roosies, children of the Lord
It rained and poured for forty daysies, daysies
It rained and poured for forty daysies, daysies
Almost drove those animals crazy, crazy, children of the Lord
The sun came out, and dried up the landy, landy
The sun came out, and dried up the landy, landy
Look! There's the sun, it dried up the landy, landy
Everything was fine and dandy, dandy, children of the Lord
So, rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory
Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory
Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory
Children of the Lord


I am thankful for being back. I did miss everyone especially your sweet thankfulness that you post on this thread!🙏😁👏

I would have never made it through the past year without the Lord and this forum. I am truly thankful for having both!

Praise to the Lord for He is our Heavenly Father and let Him get the glory for His good works.🙌🙏

Shell- I have certainly missed your posts. I am glad to see you back.
The Lord is a great him and strength in times of trouble and trials. I too could not make it through each day without him.
I was just telling someone how terrified and anxious I would we if I did not have the Lord. I certainly never want to be without HIM.
You keep nigh unto HIM, and never lose HIM. But I know you already know that.
I hope things are well in your world.
Again, so glad you are back. :)

I am happy today, and the sun shines bright,
The clouds have been rolled away;
For the Savior said, whosoever will
May come with Him to stay.

All my hopes have been raised, oh, His Name be praised,
His glory has filled my soul;
I’ve been lifted up, and from sin set free,
His blood has made me whole.

Oh, what wonderful love, oh, what grace divine,
That Jesus should die for me;
I was lost in sin, for the world I pined,
But now I am set free.

“Whosoever” surely meaneth me,
Surely meaneth me, oh, surely meaneth me;
“Whosoever” surely meaneth me,
“Whosoever” meaneth me.

Daughter finished her final exams. Yay! Only one more semester!

She seems happy with her current boyfriend. Her ex was a real jerk! Her new boyfriend is very thoughtful and caring.


I am glad to be back! I could not have made it this far without Him. I never want to go anywhere where He is not present and I never want anything He doesn't want me to have.

I have seen Him remove my enemies from my sight. I have seen where He has protected me from harm. I have felt Him in the midnight hour when I felt alone. I have seen His hand move in my life. His word has strengthen me when I was weak and gave me hope when I was hopeless. This is my testimony.

"For God made today and lets rejoice in the day He made."

I am thankful that the Lord made my sig other for me. I am grateful that He walks with me and I get a glimpse of Him. I am also grateful that everyday He is healing my body and my heart! God is good! Let us rejoice in His name and rest in Him.🙏🙌👏😁💞

Shell- AMEN
We just could not do this life without him and it be worth while.
God's love is matchless and so beautiful and merciful.
Just look at Jesus, HE is love in the purest form.
And HE loves us, isn't that wonderful?
The greatest blessing of all, Jesus.

I am so encouraged by your love and appreciation for the Lord.


It is wonderful! Just think no one could ever love us more or as perfect as He does. He never gets tired of us. He never gets bored with us. He just loves us. Where in the world could we find love like that? We couldn't! People will always hurt us even if, they don't mean to, but not Him. He found me when I was broken and He lead me to Him to heal me in everyway a person can need healing. He is just so faithful! He puts a smile on my face when I think of Him! He is an awesome God! Thank You Jesus!🙏🙌Amen!

Shell- You are a wonderful light here. You make my heart smile.
AMEN to your words.

Thanks and praises be to our God and Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Today was a wonderfully joy filled day.
I am still smiling.
Thank you Lord for loving us.

The Lord is mine and I am His,
His banner over me is love.
The Lord is mine and I am His,
His banner over me is love.
The Lord is mine and I am His,
His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love!
He brought me to His banqueting table,
His banner over me is love.
He brought me to His banqueting table,
His banner over me is love.
He brought me to His banqueting table,
His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love!
He lifted me up into heavenly places,
His banner over me is love.
He lifted me up into heavenly places,
His banner over me is love.
He lifted me up into heavenly places,
His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love!
He is the vine and we are the branches,
His banner over me is love.
He is the vine and we are the branches,
His banner over me is love.
He is the vine and we are the branches,
His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love!
Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
His banner over me is love.
Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
His banner over me is love.
Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love!
There's one way to peace through the power of the
His banner over me is love,
There's one way to peace through the power of the
His banner over me is love,
There's one way to peace through the power of the
His banner over me is love.
His banner over me is love!

My daughter got all A’s and one B on her finals! Thanks again to all who prayed for her.

"Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus"- Neal A. Maxwell

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