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Lord I must thank you for the camping trip that You provided. I thank You for giving me sleep and for waking me up today. Thank you Lord for Dr. James teaching me your word.

I am so thankful that You are in control of my enemies and those who love me. Thank you Lord for Your protection even when I didn't know I needed it. Most of all, thank You for helping me to forgive those who have hurt me because I know it was not by my own strength, but Yours.

I ask You Lord to heal every dry area in my life, but all those who are on this forum in the name of Jesus. I will also ask of You to help me to hear of what You ask and the courage to do it. Give us Your daily bread and have Your way in our lives the only way You can. We believe You for it. I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen and Amen 🙏🙌👏

You count your blessings beautifully, Shell.

DH and I have had to do work in the city, it is always tough with the work, keeping Mom safe, and other responsibilities, high stress level for me. So I thank the Lord for helping me endure and for keeping us all safe.
I am thankful that we woke up this morning. I am thankful for a house to keep cool in from the heat as there are so many that don't have that luxury.
And mostly for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High:
Psalms 50:14

Smeshque, I am trying! Thank you!☺

HALLELUJAH!! We are getting unexpected rain right now, what a blessing!
Thank You LORD!

Psalms 107:8
Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Thank you Lord for moving things around in my life. Lord for the energy You have given me to do all that needs to be done. I remember the years I was in great physical pain and didn't have energy but You my Lord healed me. You took the pain away and I know I could never thank You enough. Thank You Lord for making my enemies my foot stool as You have promise and You have giving me wisdom to not misuse the power You gave me over them. When I do wrong You love me so much that you correct me. And for love like that I am unworthy, but thankful. I thank You Lord my God for all You do behind the scene and for all You do that I do see. Thank You for Your favour and Your anointing over my life. Most of all Thank You for giving me the blood of Jesus that covers me and has saved me. Lord, I love You with words I can not find, but my soul crys out to You. Thank You Lord for having a plan for my life and I learn everyday that if I follow You I shall not go wrong. You are my God and I am happy and thankful that I am Your child. Now move in this place only the way You can. And let Your will be done in the name of Jesus I ask these things. Amen and Amen.👏🙌

Day of rest for all of us at home. I feel rejuvenated. Thank You Lord for this blessed day!

Today was what would have been my Dad's 84th birthday.
It is always a difficult day. However this year was better than the last. So healing is happening. I was preparing dinner and Mom was sitting in the living room with AB. She just started talking about my Dad. Then she started telling the story of how he died. I was in the kitchen and I just started crying, I miss my Daddy. But I know I will see him again. AB listened and she was happy to be telling him about their life together. It was good.

What I am thankful for this day, is that the Lord got us through it, that the Lord is healing us, and that the Lord put AB right there fro My Mom, as HE knew I would have lost it.
Most importantly I am thankful that Jesus Christ died for me, for us all. For HE is our hope and access to the Father.

Thank you Lord God Almighty!

“The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” 
Proverbs 28:1

Happy Birthday to your Daddy in heaven smeshque! I'm sure he is so proud of you!

Thank you Lord for the day of worship. I pray that it was in Spirit and in truth. And thank you for My Mom who sings praises to you with all her heart and as heartfelt as anyone I have ever seen.And that I am able to still hear her sing. Thank you for all the safety this day. And thank you for our place of stay, that we have to rest our heads. But mostly thank you for prayer, for forgiveness, for mercy and for Jesus, for without HIM we would have none of those things.

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
Psalms 95:2

Thank you Gershun for the Happy Birthday to Dad.
Big hug to you

I sure hope he would be proud.

Thank you Lord for being Lord over everything that has breath; for being Lord over every situation; for being Lord over our past, present, and future; for being Lord over every tear and every smile; for being Lord to the lonily, heartbroken, misunderstood, rejected and the outcast. Thank you Lord for just being You our God, our father, our friend, our protector and our provider. Thank you Lord for loving us as imperfect as we are. Thank You for Your Salvation. 🙌🙏

Shell- I just love your heart.

I am thankful to the Lord, that HE gave me rest last night. A full nights rest, Oh blissful Morning.
I am thankful that HE allowed us to take Mom and AB on an outing today and that he hedged us about and kept us safe.
I am thankful For Jesus, most of all.
Thank you Lord God Almighty, for your matchless love.

“Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?” 
Job 12:9

I am not sure if today was a better day, but thinking it was.
I was able to finally get the living room painted. I had primed it about a year ago, and had yet to put the color on, so since it was hot I did not feel like being outside much, so I said I am gonna paint. Yay finally got it done.
AB received his deposit back from his former rent house. So yay that is all done.
I am getting all the details for Moms birthday ironed out, so yay that is getting done.
I know these are small things, but I am ever so thankful, as they have been some of my load.

I thank you Dear Father in Heaven for all things great and small. But coming from you all things are great.
Most of all I thank you for Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. It is my hearts desire to be like HIM.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
1 John 4:18

My mom did very well in skilled nursing rehab and also doing well with home health. Thank God.

Counting our blessings, we have a real, honest-to-goodness vacation coming up in a couple of weeks! My sister-in-law is coming to stay with her mom while we get the heck out of dodge. I can hardly believe it but so excited.


Have an awesome time and enjoy your time, no thinking about caregiving or anything else except relaxing, recharging and having a grand holiday.

Thank you! That August 18th post I don't even know what made me write was just how I felt...what came to mind!

To is the little things that count.

And Smeshque I love reading your post on this thread it always speaks to me in some way. So thank you for starting this thread.😄💕🌠

Was a nice day today, raining this morning but then the sun came out. Everyone is doing fine.
Had a good day of worship and praise.
I am thankful to be so blessed.

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24

The Lord God Almighty has been so loving and merciful to me this day. I just had to share.
So I am going back to work and last Friday I did my drug test. Well with Mom's birthday coming up, I was so hoping not to start back until after labor day, which is her birthday.
I have been praying Lord if it is possible, which I know all things are with you, please work it out so I don't have to start back until next week.
And my friends God is faithful and loving and merciful to me this day, and every.
This morning I got a text from my boss saying could I come get the paperwork and go do my drug test again, because they had a fluke of mixed up numbers at the lab and I had to take it again as they disposed of several samples.
It was no fluke but the Lord's hand working in my life to answer my prayer.
Oh how a load has been taken off and I have been dancing around like a crazy person. So thankful and praises be to God.
I can relax this week and not stress about her birthday and all the things I needed to do.
Thank you Jesus.
YAY!!!!!!!!!? If I could do a cartwheel I would be flipping all over the place.
Guess I will go skip, always been too scared to do cartwheels.
I am holding on to this joy of the Lord, for it is my strength.

Lord, thank you for our families, our jobs, our incomes, our fridges and cupboards with food, our Bibles with your sacred words to us. Thank you!

I am thankful this day for my DH. He has been such a huge help this day, and I love him so much.
Thank you Lord for him.

I’m grateful for my husband too.

Thank you Lord my God, my Father, my friend and for always having my back when I feel so alone and feel I have no one to lean on. Then You remind me that I can lean on You that You are my soft place to fall. Thank You for this new job it came at the right time with the prefect hrs. I just hope I can do it and not let any one down. I pray that my skills are not to rusty and I still have my shield of armor. Also thank you for giving me the strength and time to get done what needs to be done. Thank You Lord that You open doors that no man can close and You shut doors that no man can open. Just thank You Lord for loving me and always being with me. I know no matter what happens You have complete control and I am grateful for that. Praise the Lord!🙌🙏

Thankful to the Lord for allowing Mom to have a birthday weekend, filled with love, joy and peace.

Frazzled- they are a blessing aren't they?

Snoopy- Thank you for the reminder, I do not think we thank the Lord enough that He has blessed us with the Bible, His sacred words, that we can wrap ourselves up in.

Shell- you starting a new job? I too am going back to work. Blessings abound.

To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 25

Smeshque, I am starting a new job, however, it is part-time and seasonal. But I like the hours, while I am working my sig other will be home with my mother and I will be home when he goes to work. I just pray that I can endure those hours like I use to and the long shifts!

You are right...blessings all around. I know the Lord gave me this job and I am so grateful!

Let us praise Him and give Him the glory.

Thank You Lord for Your word that feeds my soul. That brings in new hope when I am feeling hopeless. Renews my strength when I feel weak. Your word for which I can rest upon and hear You say, "rest my child." I could never thank You enough for all You do...I have no words...but my soul can tell You all that I feel! I thank You Lord for all that You have done and for all You are doing and for all You will do. Most of all, I just thank You for loving me so much that when You tell me no I may not understand, but I know it is for my own good. Thank you Lord for being my comforter in these hard and confussing times. How I love You so.

Lord, thank you for blessing me today with beautiful weather and safety, peace, and the security of knowing you are alive and in control of the universe. Help me love other people like you do, whatever happens to me in this world.

I am thankful for the lovely people I have encountered here on aging care.
I am thankful that my DH tore the eaves off the back of our house(he repaired back) to rescue a baby pigeon, that either the hawks got both its parents or the dove hunters last weekend. Hungry lil bird, I fed him. Trying to see if one of our other hens that has a baby will adopt him, will know tomorrow.
I am thankful that we have a nice cool house to have Mom out of the heat.
I am thankful for the bounty of food we are blessed with.
I am thankful for all the beauty of God I see daily.
I am thankful I am blessed to be the one to be here for Mom and was here for Dad.
I am most thankful for God's word, that came in the flesh, and died for me, Jesus the Christ our Saviour and Lord.

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57

We had a great day of worshiping our Lord and Saviour.
I actually felt really good today and had minimal stress of which I am so thankful.
And the baby pigeon we rescued yesterday we put in our loft and one of the adult pigeons adopedd it and is feeding it. YAY!!!
I am so glad. I was feeding it and last night we just wanted to see if any of the others would adopt him.
Feeding the baby pigeon brought back fond memories of being little and helping Dad feed the baby pigeons, if something happened to their parents or whatever the sitaution was. i am glad he taught me how, for times like these. But I remember he and I sitting with a baby pigeon in our laps and feeding them. I miss him. But he is always in my heart and thank the Lord I will see him again.

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;”
Colossians 3:23

We are on vacation!!!

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